
“Three Stories”

By James Yeh, originally published in BOMB (2013)

Dominic Fortunato. Delay 32, 2012, jpeg, 792×1224 pixels. Courtesy of the artist.


I’m giving my parents the tour. My tiny bedroom, the bathroom, the kitchen. My mother is walking around the living room, examining the cheap furniture, peering out the grime-covered window that overlooks a poorly lit alley between my building and the building across from it. Her face looks worried.

Jem, she says. Your apartment make your mother want to cry.

Aw, it’s not that bad, I say.

My father sits down on the couch and begins flipping through the old magazines crowded on the coffee table. He goes from cover to cover without really looking at anything, then tosses it back in the pile.

Continue reading in BOMB.